Jarring Juxtaposition

For a baby boomer, this USA Today article about the inexplicable failure to nominate Bob Dylan's Modern Times for a Best Album Grammy contains a little cognitive stunner:

Given the Grammys' fondness for veterans, Dylan's absence is befuddling. Like Clint Eastwood, Dylan is navigating the late stage of his remarkable career with stunning productivity and consistency.

If you'd told me in (say) 1966, the year The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly and Blonde on Blonde came out, that I'd be reading those two sentences in 2007, I'd have laughed in your face. Clint and Bob—not really inhabitants of the same universe.

Last Modified 2012-10-19 3:06 PM EDT

Blogroll Update

Just a few:

All are highly recommended for your own periodic visits.


With respect to the recent kerfuffle over candidate John Edwards hiring/firing/hiring Amanda Marcotte and Melissa McEwan for his campaign staff: Jim Geraghty makes a couple of good points. First, they'll be able to hold "Catholics for Edwards" meetings in the church furnace room. Second is a more general point about honest apologies:

Sigh. Why? Why can no one say, "I'm sorry I offended you," instead of "I'm sorry you were offended"? The former says, "I did something wrong." The latter says, "I'm sorry you're too sensitive." Why, why, why?

Indeed. Either you're:

  • Sorry for what you did;

  • Not sorry for what you did.

There's no middle ground there. Pick one.

Last Modified 2012-10-19 3:06 PM EDT