Why I Miss Ronald Reagan, Part XXVII

From the New York Times Magazine Interview with Warren Beatty:

A film like Reds, which came out in 1981, is not likely to be made today. It's an exceedingly lengthy liberal film that was born at the height of the conservative revolution. Do you know if President Reagan ever saw it?

Reagan, whom I considered to be a friend, invited me to bring the picture to the White House and to show it. We were friendly from when I came to Hollywood in my 20's. He wanted to see the movie.

What did he say afterward?

He was very complimentary about the fact that I had produced it, written it, acted in it and directed it at the same time. But what he said about the film, after it was over, he said, "I was kind of hoping for a happy ending."

Via Prof Althouse, who reads the Times so I don't have to.

Last Modified 2012-10-22 10:14 AM EDT