History Doesn't Repeat Itself, But It Rhymes.

In the Obama-Clinton-Geffen brouaha, those of us without a dog in the fight can mostly chuckle at the political-junkie version of a celebrity hair-pulling match on the red carpet. Joel Achenbach is amusingly snarky toward Hillary.

I, for one, note the quote from Howard Wolfson:

How can Senator Obama denounce the politics of slash and burn yesterday while his own campaign is espousing the politics of trash today?

and think, geez, he really should have gone for the full rhyme there.

"… is espousing the politics of trash and churn today?"

"… is espousing the politics of thrash and unconcern today?"

"… is espousing the politics of splash an intern today?"

"… is espousing the politics of stash the fraudulent tax return today?"

Just sayin'. Howard, call me. I do this stuff for free now, but that can change.

Second thought: they really should have a cable channel for politicians' antics, similar to what E! does for entertainers. They could call it "P!"

Last Modified 2012-10-19 3:05 PM EDT