URLs du Jour


  • Bruce Springsteen and his sycophants in the media really, really, want people to question his patriotism:
    Springsteen says he is prepared for criticism from those who may take the lyrics on his latest album "Magic" as unpatriotic for speaking out against the Iraq war and U.S. President George W. Bush in war time.
    Unfortunately, what he's getting instead are articles like these, questioning not his patriotism, but his intelligence, his naïvité, and his moral preening.
    If you really want to know what is going on, Bruce, go talk to Ayaan Hirsi Ali and Fleming Rose. They can tell you all about what real oppression is like because they live in daily fear that their next breath could be their last. They constantly fear that waiting for them around the next corner is the bomb, bullet or blade of an Islamo-fascist killer. Preachers of Jihadic hatred incite followers to murder "infidels" like Ali and Rose, and anybody else who won't bow down to Allah.
    Poor Bruce. It's tough when your political opponents won't follow your cues as well as your band does.

  • By the way, if you'd like to hear more about Aayan Hirsi Ali, Michelle has the latest. She's showing the kind of courage every day that Bruce Springsteen will never, ever, need to.

    If Michelle's too ultra-righty for you, here's Ann Applebaum.

  • If you'd like to read something sensible about global warming, the WaPo has given prominent display to Bjorn Lomborg's article on the topic. Good for them. At Wizbang, Jim Addison contrasts Lomborg's approach to … well, a different approach:
    Perhaps annoyed, but undeterred by the constant snickering over his naivety on foreign policy, Senator Barack Obama hastened to add energy policy to the list of subject areas on which he comes off as a sputtering buffoon …

  • The 22 Most Awful Moments in Science Fiction caused many giggles at Pun Salad Manor. For example, from number 19, on 2001: A Space Odyssey:
    Make no mistake, the first 50 hours or so of the movie are daring and innovative and deep. What critics somehow missed is the self-indulgent ugly psychedelic shit Kubrick takes on the audience at around hour 77.
    Via BBSpot.