URLs du Jour


  • We were just talking about The Prisoner a couple days back, and now comes word that Patrick McGoohan has gone to that great Village in the sky.

  • Mr. Peter Ferrara, writing in the American Spectator, notes the problems with what's been revealed about Obama's economic program so far: (a) it doesn't use tools that work (actual tax cuts, spending discipline, deregulation, control of the monetary supply); (b) instead, concentrates on braindead strategies that have never worked in the past (one-time giveaways, onerous regulation, subsidies, spending out the waz, e-z money).

    "Other than that, though, it's fine."

    Ferrara also notes the utter weirdness of this:

    Finally, on ABC's This Week, Obama started talking about over the course of his Presidency "some kind of a grand bargain" dealing with entitlements like Social Security and Medicare, "where everybody in the country is going to have to sacrifice something, accept change for the greater good." In response to George S. emphasizing that means "eventually sacrifice from everyone," Obama said, "Everybody is going to have to give. Everybody is going to have to have some skin in the game."
    Ahem: If "everyone" is sacrificing, exactly to whom does the "greater good" redound? If we have a truly negative-sum game, why start playing at all?

  • The 2009 Index of Economic Freedom, comparing "countries' commitment to free-market capitalism" is out. The US of A is in sixth place. It could be worse. In view of the above item: it probably will be worse.

  • Little Green Footballs has opened voting for the 2008 Idiotarian of the Year Award. So far, it's a runaway, but make your mouse heard.