No Matter Who You Vote For

… the government always gets in:

  • Linus Torvalds, American. That's one for us.

  • Typing song lyrics into Google's new instant search: could this be a new YouTube genre? When the song is Tom Lehrer's "The Elements", the result is pretty awesome:

    Via Granite Geek.

  • And if you liked that, Viking Pundit has the same thing with Billy Joel's "We Didn't Start the Fire". ("We didn't start the fire, but we did cause three Google servers to melt down…")

  • David Friedman suspects that Eliza may be working for Comcast.
    "As I understand your concern, you are having issues with your internet connection, is that right?"


    David> It would also help if analysts read what I wrote and responded to it, instead of following a canned routine.

    (analyst) Thank you for confirming.

    I've had the same experience when I tried to ask them about Fox Business News disappearing from my lineup. I'm missing Stossel!

  • Yes, I voted. Thanks for asking. But see the title of this post.

Last Modified 2012-10-02 2:32 PM EDT