Buchanan Rides Alone

[3.5 stars] [IMDB Link]

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Yet another Randolph Scott movie made under director Budd Boetticher. A little better than average, I thought. Also, at 78 minutes, very short.

Buchanan, as you might guess from the title, is riding alone. He's made some money as a hired gun in Mexico, and is on his way back to West Texas. But he rides into the dinky border town of Agry, owned and operated by the Agry family. All he wants is some food, drink, and a place to spend the night.

But one of the younger Agrys has strayed over the border and dishonored the sister of Juan de la Vega; Juan (successfully) seeks vengeance, but the ensuing melee entangles Buchanan, and pretty quickly they're both about to be lynched by the enraged townspeople. Only by happenstance are they spared, and soon the town is caught up in intra-family rivalries, betrayal, and violence.

I don't think Mr. Scott was ever cooler. Even with a noose around his neck, he's making wisecracks. Extra bonus: Peter Gunn himself, Craig Stevens, playing the Agry's local enforcer, obviously disgusted with working for the sleazy bunch.

Last Modified 2024-01-28 7:59 AM EDT