Bernie: Liar or Fool?

Or both? Could be both.

I was, of course, happy to see Hillary thoroughly trounced in the New Hampshire Primary. But that's the good news. The bad news is the trouncer was Bernie Sanders.

Here's just one little thing I noticed in Bernie's victory speech:

Now, what the American people understand is that our great country was based on a simple principal [sic], and that principle is fairness.

This assertion is pretty easy to check given the "Find" functionality in your favorite web browser.

Bernie wants to paint his agenda as patriotic, rooted in bedrock all-American fundament. That assertion is based in deception or delusion (or, possibly, both).

I am not sure what valid arguments could be made in support of what I take to be Bernie's overall campaign points:

  • The Federal Government is hopelessly in thrall to the plutocratic wealthy;

  • So we should give the Federal Government vastly more money and power.

I am depressed that so many people see Bernie as a hero and "democratic" socialism as a swell idea.

Just wanted to get that off my chest.