Jason Statham makes a very cool action hero. It helps if you've
seen the original Transporter, but not really necessary. The
action moves from France to Miami, and
becomes several notches
more detached from reality. But as long as you disconnect the
skeptical part of your brain, the movie is quite enjoyable
on its own terms.
Matthew Modine shows up in an inexplicably small role, which
he gives a rote performance as an annoying twit.
The subtitle of this book is: "How Today's Popular Culture Is Actually
Making Us Smarter." The idea is that current movies, TV shows, and video games
are becoming more challenging, demanding more mental activity from
the consumer, than in the past. And, hence, make us smarter.
Fair enough. Johnson's thesis is of decent size for a longish essay
in (say) Wired. But arguing for it in a book makes for a lot of
repetition. There is no point so obvious that Johnson will let go without
mentioning. There is no element in his argument that he doesn't beat to
death by saying it over and over again.
And I think his argument is weakened by not considering some
pretty obvious objections. (For example: "Is current popular music
making us smarter? Hah!")
Or to quote an unimpressed Amazon reviewer:
Let's assume pop-culture is making us smarter. A different question
would be, is it also making is better? Is it actually good for us? Is it
building character, courage, heroism, altruism, and charity? I remain
unconvined that it is.
Unquoted opinions expressed herein are solely those of the
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