URLs du Jour (11/16/2005)

  • I won't be joining the AARP, and Robert Samuelson eloquently explains why in todays WaPo.

    Among AARP's 36 million members, there must be many decent people who benefit from the 5 to 50 percent discounts offered on car rentals, hotel rooms and airline tickets. But I won't be joining, because AARP has become America's most dangerous lobby. If left unchecked, its agenda will plunder our children and grandchildren. Massive outlays for the elderly threaten huge tax increases and other government spending. Both may weaken the economy and the social fabric. No thanks.

    Hey, but could I get the discounts without wrecking the economy? Is that a check-off option on the application form? Just asking.

  • Jonah at the Corner calls this hilarious Red Sox-related Master Card commercial parody an oldie but a goodie. It is a goodie, and if you haven't seen it, it's new to you.
  • The English word "reconcile" would imply the existence of "concile". But that nice little word appears not to exist, at least not in English. Instead the dictionaries prefer "concilate" as (more or less) a synonym of "reconcile". Why? Why? Why? I blame George Bush.

Last Modified 2012-10-26 5:37 AM EST