What Others Are Thankful For

Of course, now that I'm seeing other folks' thankful-for lists, I'm doing a lot of forehead-slapping.

  • Scott Adams' list is here. Television remote control! (Slap!)
  • Ron Bailey's list here. Rule of law! (Slap!)
  • Matt Rosenberg chimes in here. Electric guitars! (Slap!)
  • Major K. (in Iraq) is a must-read. My health! And our guys in Iraq and elsewhere! (Slap! Slap!)
  • And Joe Malchow here. OK, he doesn't exactly have a list, but … donuts and coffee! (Slap!)

That's enough, my head kind of hurts now.

Last Modified 2012-10-26 5:30 AM EST

Thankful For

Dave Barry. Spenser. DVDs. My Family. Amazon. America. Fidelity. House. Google. IMDB. Jimmy Webb. James Lileks. SNL. Perl. Pixar. Liberty. Beer. Steve Martin. The Simpsons. Unix. Veterans. TCP/IP.

(An arbitrarily-ordered, unironic, and very incomplete list. Happy Thanksgiving to all.)

Last Modified 2005-11-24 7:17 AM EST