No House, a World Series where neither team is named the "Red Sox", makes it movie night in Rollinsford, New Hampshire.
To go along with the frenetic quick-cut MTV-style editing of this movie,
I'll just do a bunch of bullet points.
Bad guys want to kill the US President for (as near as I
can tell) unspecified reasons. They're foreign, and I guess
that's supposed to be reason enough.
Once you think about the movie in retrospect,
their insidious plot is unnecessarily complex.
There's a mole in the Secret Service; how hard
can it possibly be?
Michael Douglas plays the hero, and he's really getting, well, up there, as are we
all. What he needs in this movie is a young sidekick, someone he
can repeatedly
call 'buddy boy'.
Kiefer Sutherland plays Jack Bauer, except there's a spot where he
really could have and (arguably) should have shot someone
in the thigh, but failed to do so. Plus which, his wife's alive.
I personally don't see Michael Douglas canoodling with Kim Basinger.
That strains credulity.
So does Kim Basinger playing First Lady.
For that matter, David Rasche playing the President?!
I'm sorry, he'll always be Sledge Hammer to me.
Who needs the Secret Service?
Give him a gun, he'll take care of himself!
And why did they shoot that first guy? If they explained that, I missed
it. Did he know something? What? How did they know that he knew it?
If it was so darn important, why didn't he tell someone, like, right
At least I didn't fall asleep. That counts for something.