New Site for Pun Salad

Pun Salad has been hosted on the University of New Hampshire network for the past 3.5 years or so. Specifically, on the Linux workstation in my cubicle. That's been very convenient, not to mention inexpensive.

But the blog's URL has always been kind of ugly and painful. And, although blogging did not interfere with my day job (honest, boss!), the system's work usage sometimes impacted the blog's availability.

So Pun Salad is moving to Or, if you like, Some notes on the move:

  • I plan to run the blog in parallel at both sites for a number of days. But at some point, I'll just set up a redirect at UNH to the new site. If you have bookmarks, feel free to update now.

  • Although I occasionally aimed some barbs at the free-speech policies of universities generally, and sometimes UNH specifically, UNH never made a single gripe about hosting my personal blog on their network. This may mean that they were blissfully unaware of it.

  • At UNH, Pun Salad had to remain strictly non-commercial. At the new site, there might be some effort to offset web hosting fees.

  • Speaking of which: Web hosting for is via Arias Web Hosting. Their operation is smooth and quick and painless and professional. They provide a Linux virtual host, including, for a little extra hassle, shell access. I'm not sure if they're right for everyone, but if you're a geek with modest needs, like me, they seem to be a very good fit.

As always, thanks for reading Pun Salad. If you notice anything broken at the new site—other than my stupid opinions—please let me know.

Last Modified 2008-08-16 7:01 AM EDT