URLs du Jour — 2013-05-29

  • A Nice Logo The University Near Here continues with its logo controversy. Grant Bosse of New Hampshire Watchdog is covering this like a…um, a diligent watchdog. Yesterday he quoted a Union Leader editorial on the $100K cost of three proposed logos that just about everyone hates.

    While claiming that the University of New Hamsphire has cut expenses to the bone, university officials were spending about $100,000 to redesign the UNH seal. Legislators would be fools to take these officials’ financial protests seriously again.

    Read the whole thing; it's hard to draw any other conclusion but that UNH has dealt itself yet another self-inflicted wound.

    Grant has also set up a Facebook group, Wildcat Logo Search, for people who'd like to contribute their graphic skills. I've snatched one of the nicer ones for display.

  • Way back in the 90's there was a movie called Matilda, based on a pretty good Roald Dahl book. It starred a nine-year-old actress named Mara Wilson, who did a fine job in the title role.

    And now she's in her twenties, and has written an article at Cracked: "7 Reasons Child Stars Go Crazy (An Insider's Perspective)". Probably not exactly news you can use, but still interesting.

  • There's P.J. O'Rourke content at the Weekly Standard; check it out, assuming you can get around their send-money-now nagging. Peej entertains the real possibility that President Obama is, well, stupid.

    Dopey stimulus, obtuse bailout, noodle-headed Obamacare, half-wit Dodd-Frank, damfool IRS Tea Party crashers, AP and Fox News beset by oafish peeping Toms and the Benghazi tale told by an idiot. One could go on. Stupid is a great force in human affairs. And the great force has a commander in chief.

    An interesting thesis. Not that it's possible to do anything about it.

Last Modified 2013-06-19 9:44 AM EST