I believe there may be sarcastic content in Drew Cline's post at the
Josiah Bartlett Center:
Our legislators must be scientific super geniuses.
For years, legislators have been on a relentless quest to raise electricity rates for Granite Staters. Because unlike the rest of us, they are geniuses.
None of us knows exactly what New Hampshire’s energy mix should be. None of us could say precisely how much of the state’s energy should come from solar or biomass.
But they know.
Bottom line: consider our high electric bills to be "the price we pay for living under the benevolent guidance of brilliant elites who know best how to spend the money we earn."
At Reason, Peter Suderman reports:
Democrats Are Fighting Over Socialism, and the Socialists Are Winning.
On Wednesday, Bernie Sanders, the independent senator and a candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination, delivered a major speech on socialism. Titled, "How Democratic Socialism Is the Only Way to Defeat Oligarchy and Authoritarianism," the speech sought to give us Sanders' own definition of socialism. But the address left enough lingering questions that it might better be understood as a declaration simply that Sanders is a socialist, whatever that is.
Socialism—what it is, whether it's any good, and who counts as a socialist—has become a major divide in the Democratic primary and is likely to play a role in the 2020 general election, no matter who is on the ticket.
As others have pointed out: the difference between Sanders and Warren and Biden and O'Rourke and … are not so much in their (invariably statist, expensive, prosperity-destroying) policy proposals, but in the (invariably dishonest) labels they use to describe themselves.
- Jim
Morning Jolt newsletter is usually an entertaining hodgepodge
of stuff, and yesterday's was no exception, but I especially liked
this bit, about President Trump's latest "outrageous" statement:
[…] why is there surprise that Trump said he would accept opposition research or dirt from a foreign government if offered in the 2020 cycle? He never apologizes. He never admits mistakes. In his mind, something or someone who helps him is good, regardless of all other factors, and something or someone who criticizes him is bad, regardless of all other factors. This is why he keeps talking about how nice those letters from Kim Jong Un are. He cannot assess the quality of someone or something outside of the context of self-interest.
Trump will say whatever pops into his head in response to any question, and he’s demonstrated time and time again that he does not care where he is — whether it is in front of the wall of stars at CIA headquarters or whether he’s sitting in front of the graves at Normandy.
He is who he is, he will not change, he will not modify or adapt, and most of us figured that out a long time ago. This is why the “You won’t believe what Trump said” coverage gets tuned out after a while. Yes, we will believe it.
As Paul Hollywood occasionally comments when a brilliant contestant has committed some sort of baking blunder: "It's a shame, really."
The Google LFOD News Alert brings us The Day columnist Steve
Fagin advising us:
Don’t be a loser on the trail.
After relating the embarrassing (and expensive) rescues of wannabe
outdoorsmen, he notes that we do it different here in New Hampshire:
The Granite State is one of few to demand reimbursement from hikers, hunters and others whose negligence resulted in a need for rescue services. This gives new meaning to the state motto, "Live Free or Die."
Steve advertises our state's Hike Safe Card, a revenue-raising scheme for NH's Fish & Game Department. It's a mere $25 for individuals, and your rescue is free even if you "acted negligently" in getting into that situation.
Unless (this gets complicated) you've "done any of the actions in RSA 153-A:24, I: being Under the Influence; take one or more people hostage; threaten yourself or others; create a said situation "Recklessly or intentionally".
Just to be safe, you might want to take printed copies of the RSAs and the State Constituion on your next hike.
I went to see
Neal Stephenson at the
Music Hall Loft in Portsmouth last night. Got a personally-signed copy of
his latest novel Fall, and exchanged a few words about Iowa,
our common state of origin. He's got a very dry sense of humor.
But our LFOD alert was triggered by this story in our local paper's "EDGE" entertainment guide: Lucette [Lauren Gillis] to the Music Hall Loft June 15. It's an interview:
EDGE: You’re heading to New Hampshire for a gig at the Music Hall Loft on Saturday, June 15th. What are you most looking forward to when you visit us here?
Gillis: I have played at the Loft a few times! It’s always such an enjoyable venue with great people.
What else am I looking forward to? Honestly, eating seafood. I go to Row 34 every time I’m there and get a lobster roll, usually for breakfast. It’s a definite splurge, but I always look forward to it. I also love the state motto “Live free or die.” It sounds like a song (laughs).
Well, it is a song.
Well, I'm doin' ten to twenty In the frozen granite state And every day I go to work To stamp out license plates Everyday I got to work And every night I cry Cause every license plate I make tells me to Live Free or Die [Chorus] Live free or die Oh Lord tell me why Can't they say seat belts fastened Or Oklahoma is okay Vacation land sounds mighty great I wouldn't mind stampin' out the Garden State It's enough to make me cry Live free or die Well I didn't mean to shoot that man Why the gun just went off in my hand I caught him with my wife And it cost that man his life I'd just got home from the factory And that man was sittin' where I'm supposed to be Now he's up there in the sky and I'm stuck with Live free or die [Chorus] So let this be a lesson To all you married men out there That patience is a virtue So make your plans with care So if you catch your wife with another man It's best to hold off as long as you can Then shoot him in another state where they got A different license plate
That is… kinda brilliant.