- Via The Volokh Conspiracy, a quiz to see how well you can distinguish programming language inventors from serial killers. That's a very important skill to develop.
- An exceptionally good Reason Express this week.
In the middle of a decent article on National Review Online,
Lowry invokes the word "glückschmerz", which is (apparently)
the flipside of "schadenfreude". I did not know that.
So naturally, I Google it; up comes an old post from Meryl
Yourish. Amusingly, she noticed all the new Google-referred
hits on her website, almost certainly
caused by the Lowry article. So, for would-be pedants:
- schadenfreude:
- finding joy in someone else's misfortune
- glückschmerz:
- finding pain in someone else's happiness
You can learn something every day if you try. (I also learned the HTML coding for ü, so that's two things, I guess.)
- Via InstaPundit, John Farrell reminds me why I stopped my Boston Globe delivery.
- And, oh yeah: We're all gonna die. But try to find that in the Boston Globe.