This NYT
anti-Alito editorial is evidence (according to Ed Whelan) that the writer is "just plain
stupid as well as dishonest." Stuart Buck is more charitable,
deeming it merely "quite unfair." (But Pun Salad is
pretty sure a previous version of the post deemed it
a "flat-out lie."). Ann Althouse is content merely to
that the NYT's current seemingly "open-minded"
editorial position on Alito will be followed up
with a post-hearing opposition, following the
model they established with John Roberts.
Addendum: Prof Bainbridge fills in the missing context from the NYT editorial.
In the meantime, the Saturday edition of our local paper, Foster's
Daily Democrat, essentially reprinted a press release from
the anti-Alito folks, devoting about
650 words and a picture
to their recent activism in York, Maine. Unintentional humor: the
activism consisted of three (count 'em, three) people standing
by the road waving signs. The "reporter" didn't even bother to
nail down the day of this massive protest. But he did manage to
report their allegations about Alito without checking for accuracy
or seeking alternative views.
For example, one activist speculated that Alito might vote to uphold New Hampshire's parental-notification law in Ayotte v. Planned Parenthood of Northern New England. The reporter simply repeated this, apparently unaware that new Supreme Court justices traditionally do not participate in decisions on cases already argued.
But the paper was happy to publish URLs to the activists' various websites.
(Free registration is apparently required at the Foster's website if you want to read this sterling example of journalism online.)
- Joe Malchow unloads upon the race question on college admissions forms as Pun Salad did here. Also commenting: Discriminations and Todd Zywicki at Volokh.
- Yes, as you may have noticed from
the previous items,
Pun Salad has decided to start referring to itself in the third
person. Doug Giles points this out as a danger
sign of … something involving bulldogs and poodles. Pun Salad, frankly,
doesn't understand it, but it sounds bad. Therefore, it shall be
only done ironically; remember, Pun Salad is only pretending to be
annoying and pretentious. (As they
say: I'm just keeeeeeding!)
Coming soon: parenthetical comments from an imaginary editor. All the cool bloggers do that. [You mean like this?-ed. Yes. But I said "coming soon," not now.]