URLs du Jour


  • It was twenty-five years ago today … James Pinkerton annotates Ronald Reagan's first inaugural address "as a way of reminding ourselves what went right, what wrong -- and what changes, still continuing to this day, he set in motion."
  • John Samples says: Harry Reid is Right. That's got to be worth a look, in a man-bites-dog sense.
  • For the second day in a row, Dafydd has e-mitted a goodie, this time with respect to the "72 hour exception" to the FISA rules, much ballyhooed on the left. He compares the demagogic allegations of Al Gore with the facts brought out by John Hinderaker and Victoria Toensing; Al comes out poorly in comparison.
  • Protein Wisdom is displeased with Star Jones' foreign policy thoughts.
    … if the Oprahfication of America has taught us anything, there is no "conflict" so complex that it can't be reduced to fears of erectile dsyfunction and then cured by the sobering rhetorical bitchslap of a TV talk diva who has managed massive weight loss.
    Asking the Google about the Oprahfication of America gives 244 hits as I type, an increase of 20 compared to eight days ago. Assuming exponential growth of this meme, this reflects a doubling-rate of about 65 days. (Er, assuming I still know how to do the math.) So we'll check this again around March 26; I'm thinking we'll see slightly less than 500 hits then.
  • Diane Keaton writes at the Huffington Post about "The Upside of Turning 60." Cut-n-pasting into this word-frequency app reveals that her essay has 343 words, of which the most common (23 occurrences) is "I", easily beating second-place "of" (13 occurrences). There are also 5 occurrences of "my", 4 of "I've", 4 of "myself", 3 of "me", and one lonely "I'd".

    She also mentions filming Godfather III—she must have felt those three I's would fit into the overall theme of her essay. I would imagine she pronounces it "Godfather I, I, I."

    So y'all can decide for yourselves whether to click on over there.

Last Modified 2006-01-21 7:19 AM EDT