On the Mohammed Cartoons: if you'd like a brief history
and a much more eloquent defense of free expression
than the one I provided yesterday, check Paul Marshall at
the Weekly Standard here.
Matthew Hoy makes sense as
always, and Virginia Postrel does too.
And Eugene Volokh, pbuh, compares and contrasts
the Boston Globe editorial on this controversy
to those it made on Serrano's "Piss Christ" and similar NEA-funded
Christian-irritating art. He discovers a disparity unsurprising
to those who read (or, in my case, used to read) the Globe.
isn't too happy with the Globe either.
The funny thing is that the Globe views fundamentalist Christians as a god-besotted threat to liberty, but makes excuses for people like this.
Might quibble with that "funny" though. How about "tedious"?
Let's give intolerant hotheads
belonging to other religions some link love, though.
Jacobs links to a story from Bennett, Colorado, where some
parents are upset that their children were shown a video
about the opera Faust, in which (you may have heard) the title
character sells his soul to the devil.
No mention of whether the dismayed parents were Christians, or thin-skinned Satanists objecting to a negative portrayal of Mephistopheles. In any case, Joanne reports the teacher "plans to look for a job next year in a less conservative town." Also unmentioned: whether she was threatened with decapitation.
The Slashdot headline says it all: Wasp
Larvae Feed on Zombie Roaches. Very catchy; if not a good name for a
rock band, perhaps a pretty decent song title.
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