Charles Murray has a thought-provoking
scheme to scrap the American welfare state:
… I call it simply "the Plan" for want of a catchier label--makes a $10,000 annual grant to all American citizens who are not incarcerated, beginning at age 21, of which $3,000 a year must be used for health care. Everyone gets a monthly check, deposited electronically to a bank account.
OK, so now almost everyone's saying "Waiiiit a minute …" Murray's written a book about the Plan: In Our Hands : A Plan To Replace The Welfare State (which I've just ordered). Tech Central Station's Max Borders interviews Murray here. K-Lo is the interviewer here. Andrew Ferguson comments here. I'll write more once I've read the book. -
It occurs to me that I could, if I wanted, get a lot of cheap posts
by simply filling in the blank in the template:
"Thomas Sowell makes a lot of sense today with a column
about ;
check it out." And then maybe quoting one or two paragraphs
to give readers a feel for what he's saying, wrapping it up
with a short snappy remark.
Thomas Sowell makes a lot of sense today with a column about immigration;
check it out.
How often have we heard that illegal immigrants "take jobs that Americans will not do"? What is missing in this argument is what is crucial in any economic argument: price.
See?Americans will not take many jobs at their current pay levels -- and those pay levels will not rise so long as poverty-stricken immigrants are willing to take those jobs.
Is it wrong to cheer for a college basketball team simply because
you admire the school's
economics and law faculty?
I'm pretty sure I wouldn't recognize as many names from any other
school. Including UNH.
I don't remember when I last watched a basketball game. But I watched George Mason beat … um … oh, yeah, UConn on Saturday. Go, Pats: the team of the libertarian blogosphere.
But go ahead and improve your mind while you're waiting for the next game: via Todd Zywicki at the Volokh Conspiracy, here's a PDF resource about the Forgotten Founder, the Father of the Bill of Rights, George Mason. (It does not, unaccountably, mention what Mason's free throw percentage was, but gets in a lot of other impressive stuff.) Andy at the Club for Growth has additional links and Mason-related tourism suggestions.
Consumer note, Entertainment Division: USA Today reports
that the King Kong
DVD out today is OK,
But you won't see any deleted scenes or added footage. Director Peter Jackson is saving that for an extended cut of the film to be released on DVD later this year and will include a new making-of documentary.
Bottom line: just wait, if you think you'd like that stuff.
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