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We're all pretty ticked off at Borders.

  • Mitch Townsend at Chicago Boyz:

    Until you grow a spine, don't expect to see me back in your store.

  • Dale Amon at Samizdata:

    We abhor your cowardice in the face of the enemy and your lack of moral fibre to stand up for the First Amendment in the face of those enemies.

  • Dale Bidinotto:

    Your company's craven policy of capitulation in the face of the mere hypothetical threat of terrorism is absolutely appalling -- a complete moral abdication that only encourages those threatening our rights and liberties.

  • LGF:

    This has nothing to do with sensitivity; it's all about pure, simple fear. If a Christian group complained to Borders about Bibles being placed on a bottom shelf, they would be laughed out of the room. But when Muslims do the same thing, Borders institutes a store-wide policy. The difference? The implicit or explicit threats of violence that accompany the latter.

  • At Huffington Post we have, … um, nothing. Hm.

But Borders is ticked right back. In an open letter to Charles Johnson, the CEO writes:

Charles, I've got a book store to run and having you sic a bunch of bloggers on me and tell them to ride my ass because we're not shelving a pip-squeak magazine from those tools at the "Council for Secular Humanism" (Jesus wept!) is just not getting it done.

Please note that it's already April 1 in some parts of the world. Most links via Instapundit.

Last Modified 2012-10-25 8:27 AM EDT