Cato has issued its Fiscal Policy
Report Card on America's Governors: 2006. From the Executive
Only one governor receives an A this year — Republican Matt Blunt of Missouri. The next two highest-scoring Republicans are Rick Perry of Texas and Mark Sanford of South Carolina. The highest-scoring Democratic governors are John Lynch of New Hampshire and Phil Bredesen of Tennessee.
Emphasis added for Graniteers. Only six governors received "B" grades from Cato, including Governor Lynch. -
If you want to hear some good arguments for raising the Federal gasoline
tax —hey, wait a minute, stop throwing stuff at
me!—by one dollar per gallon—Ow! That hurt!
Stoppit!—you should probably head on over to Greg Mankiw's blog
where he reproduces his WSJ
op-ed from today. Professor Mankiw is a very sensible guy, which
means that his proposals stand a slim chance of being enacted.
Elizabeth Edwards thinks she's more joyful
than Hillary Clinton. That's a pretty low bar to clear, though.
For the record, Pun Salad considers itself more joyful than Cute Overload. Beat that, Blogosphere!
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