With respect to Time magazine's Person of the Year:
fortunately, I read Ann Althouse's warning
before I revealed my inner dork.
[What do you mean "inner" dork?-ed. Good point.] Dylan fan that
she is, I'm surprised Prof. Althouse didn't apply the obvious
lyric to Time magazine's efforts to be "with it" and "happening":
Because something is happening here
Jeremy Lott is, if anything, even less impressed.
But you don't know what it is
Do you, Mister Jones?Update: Michelle Malkin? Even less impressed than Jeremy!
Continuing on an issue we discussed yesterday, there's a
roundup of the blogosphere's McCain-phobia at Beltway
Blogroll. (Via Instapundit.)
Iowahawk channels
James Lileks, analyzing the April 3, 1959 edition of "Night Life in
I don't know what genius composed this, but:
(Seen at Surviving Grady, stolen from Danger West.)
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