I griped last week about the unbroken string of lefties that UNH invites to keynote its hagiographical celebration of Martin Luther King Day. But it turns out that Other Side of the State University has outdone us by inviting none other than Mr. Harry Belafonte.
People commenting negatively include Dartmouth student Joe Malchow and Dartmouth trustee Todd Zywicki. Todd's position:
Let me be clear--Harry Belafonte has the same right to express his bizarre, ignorant, and hateful opinions as any other showbiz crackpot. And student organizations or political groups should be permitted to invite him to speak on campus if they so desire. But there is a vast gulf between that and providing him with the honor of the Keynote speaker of Dartmouth's MLK celebration and a major platform to spew his opinions. Is he really the best person, and are these the best sentiments, to honor King's memory?and Joe's:
Dishonest and bigoted as he is, Mr. Belafonte's right to speak merits not a whit of protestation. Free speech exists to protect unpopular speech. But here's something curious. Dartmouth's activists and perennial offendees recently held a "rally for civil discourse," at which they decried as unacceptable speech that offends. Mr. Belafonte, with his trashing of the United States — so full of verve and excitement is it — and his support for an economic system that has shattered millions of lives during its bleak reign, offends me. I don't expect a soul to care. Those activists at Dartmouth have, however, attempted to set a new standard for what is appropriate speech at Dartmouth: civility. Harry Belafonte, the man who called Colin Powell a slave, is flatly incivil. Let us see what happens."Indeed." Back in 2002, Ronald Radosh summarized Belafonte's long record of support for left wing thuggery.