URLs du Jour


  • We previously noticed the threatening efforts of Weather Channel's "Heidi Cullen, Climate Expert" to silence any hint of skepticism or dissent from global warming orthodoxy. Now Marc Morano of the US Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works has a short article mentioning this and similar efforts by others. (Via Drudge.)

    The Blog Hero also has thoughts on the Global Warming Thought Police.

  • Jacob Sullum is skeptical of that claim from Slashdot we passed along yesterday that Senate Bill S.1 would force bloggers "to register with the Federal Government as lobbyists."

    So I'd say there's no immediate reason to start packing for the slammer. Honest, I almost appended "It's Slashdot, so there's a good chance this is alarmist bullshit." to my post yesterday.

  • Jacob also reports on the thuggish behavior of newly elected New Hampshire State Representative Delmar Burridge (D-Keene), who responded via e-mail to a constituent who asked him to support HB92, a pot-decriminalization measure. Representative Burridge declined vociferously, and said in closing:
    I am copying two members of the Keene Police Department in case you want to change your ways and act legal and save your friends.

    You are very passionate in your beliefs and would make a great snitch. It is thrilling to dime on your so called friends.

    Excellent! As I type, asking the Google for "Delmar Burridge" garners 70 hits. This will only go up. I predict at least one link will, when followed, contain the word "asshat".

    Oh yeah. This one. Duh.

Last Modified 2007-01-18 7:03 PM EDT