Advice to Racists

Yesterday's Blogometer noticed a Talking Point among the hive of lefty bloggers it samples and summarizes. (It's under "MCCAIN III: Does He Really Want These People On His Side?"):

Yesterday we briefly discussed McCain's 6/14 meeting with disgruntled Hillary Clinton supporters. The Politico's Ben Smith reports that Paula Abeles, the Clinton supporter who organized this meeting, previously worked on behalf of Thomas Jefferson's white descendants in an effort to exclude Jefferson's possible black descendants from family gatherings …
After quoting Ben Smith, the 'Meter notes: "Liberal bloggers are buzzing about the revelations". And they are. Some snippets about Mrs. Abeles: she's one of the "people who don't like black people"; she's "deeply racist and out-of-the-mainstream"; a "stone racist"; who couldn't "think of a single non-repulsive, non-spiteful, non-racist thing to do."

And of course, McCain comes in for collateral damage: "Only the best supporters for McCain"; "she's the person the McCain camp wanted to work with"; "hasn't the McCain campaign figured out about Google yet?"

Yes, fine. The McCain campaign should be more careful about the folks with whom they associate. (Although the anonymous McCain aide in the Politico article is credible when he notes "We typically don’t vet people who are simply expressing an interest in supporting the campaign") I have no idea whether Mrs. Abeles is a "stone racist" or not, in her heart of hearts; it's certainly true that her previous actions allowed her enemies to paint her as one.

The interesting thing is to me: none of this came up when she was a Hillary supporter. But now everybody notices she's the worst person in the world.

Hence my advice to racists: be loyal Democrats. Your racism will be safely invisible unless and until you happen to say nice things about Republicans.