URLs du Jour


  • Feeling like watching Sarah Palin's speech tonight? Frank J suggests a drinking game:

    * Every time you get nervous, take a shot.

    You don't have to wait until the speech starts to begin the game.

    So I've started already. When does the game end?

  • Feeling bitter? So is Arnold Kling, and he knows where to point the finger.
    To me, political campaigns are not sacred events, to be eagerly anticipated and avidly followed. They are brutal assaults on reason. I look forward to election season about as much as a gulf coast resident looks forward to hurricane season.
    I recommend the Dual-Costello Strategy:

    1. Try to be amused. (Elvis)

    2. Try to find out who's on first. (Lou)

  • Feeling mortal? You might want to check out Lore Sjöberg's rundown of alternate options for disposal of your remains. (My favorite is the same as Lore's and it's here. The "Marine" service, please. A little pricier than the other packages, but… way cooler.)