URLs du Jour


  • Politics 101 teaches that if you're gonna lie, you better tell the lie exactly the same way each time. But it seems that someone was absent that day.

  • I would not have expected someone to tie in Frederic Bastiat and Sonia Sotomayor, but John Hasnas did, and it's pretty good. Bottom line:
    Calling on judges to be compassionate or empathetic is in effect to ask them to undo this balance and favor the seen over the unseen. Paraphrasing Bastiat, if the difference between the bad judge and the good judge is that the bad judge focuses on the visible effects of his or her decisions while the good judge takes into account both the effects that can be seen and those that are unseen, then the compassionate, empathetic judge is very likely to be a bad judge. For this reason, let us hope that Judge Sotomayor proves to be a disappointment to her sponsor.

  • Amy Kane is eloquent on the topic of new discount airline JetAmerica, which is considering flying into Portsmouth NH via Pease, although after reading Amy's article, you'll probably be hoping they'll go out of business first.

  • Out at the University of Chicago, a student group called "Men in Power" is being set up to focus on "men's issues." Unintentional self-parody:
    Jessica Pan, president of Women in Business and a fourth-year student, questioned whether Men in Power's goals were being met by existing student groups.
    Or, shorter: "How dare they have the same thing for men that we have for women?"

  • (Another) great thing about Wikipedia: their articles (for example, about typefaces) often include links to webcomics (for example, those making fun of those typefaces).

    You just don't get that kind of service from the Encyclopedia Britannica.

Last Modified 2009-05-30 5:46 AM EDT