Like Pun
Salad, Dan Davis of Seacoast Liberty was no fan
of the Free State Project-trashing editorials printed by
my local newspaper, Foster's Daily Democrat. Bottom line:
In short, Foster's efforts to portray the FSP as a secretive cabal have backfired with this native; such attacks fortify my support for these idealistic underdogs. After all, the libertarian principles of non- aggression, self-ownership, and personal responsibility are completely consistent with the values we hold dear in NH.
Yeah. What he said.
Just in case James Lileks' Bleat is
not a daily must-read for you, he's on fire today,
responding to ad copy promoting Tangos™ Cantina Style Tortilla Chips.
(Recommended so you can be The Crunch of the Party™.)
Not kidding about those ™s. I encourage you to read the unexcerptable whole thing.
Also funny today: at McSweeney's, "The
Campus Copy Center is Closed Indefinitely" by Ben Godar.
Attention Students, Faculty & Staff:
The Copy Center will be closed for the immediate future due to water damage from last week's incident. In the meantime, a temporary Copy Center has been setup in Friley Hall, in the space previously occupied by the student radio station. And frankly, we thought that would be the end of it.
But it wasn't. While reading, I was sure that Ben Godar had to be affiliated with an Institution of Higher Education, but he's apparently not.
On the Pun Salad
book page, something that might interest the
libertarians in the audience: Michael Huemer's The
Problem of Political Authority.