It's John Wick for chicks, baby!
And—this has to be a coincidence, right?—the McGuffin of this 2017 movie is exactly the same as 2018's Johnny English Strikes Again: there's a list of spies out in the wild that will do untold damage to Great Britain's security if it falls into the hands of the Wrong People. In this movie, it's rattling around Berlin at the time when the Wall is about to come down. Into this nest of vipers, MI6 sends Lorraine Broughton (Charlize Theron). Yes, just one lady spy to retrieve this Very Important List.
But the real point of this movie is to string together impressively choreographed and CGId fight scenes, where Lorraine takes on various bad guys with fists, feet, guns, knives, … basically whatever comes to hand. In between, she smokes and swears a lot. And a little bit of lesbian action. None of this makes a lick of sense. And even in the fight scenes… geez, all it would have taken is one guy with a taser to resolve things pretty quickly.