John Woo directing a remake of The Killer ? Free-to-me on Peacock? I'm there! But…
It's set in Paris, and the titular killer is "Zee", played by Nathalie Emmanuel, who does not resemble Chow Yun Fat in the slightest. She is a assassin, working for a French gang leader. Her initial mission is to infiltrate an exclusive dance club, and pretty much kill everyone. But she spares a beautiful singer, who's just blinded in the resulting carnage.
We also meet her ostensible opponent, Sey (played by Omar Sy). He's a cop who doesn't play by the rules, whose gunplay saves lives, but is disapproved by his superiors at headquarters…
Well, you've probably already guessed one trope involved: Contract on the Hitman. There are a number of others, which I won't spoil, or bother to look up.
It is pretty standard R-rated action movie stuff, with some John Woo trademark items. But people looking for some good old over-the-top creatively choreographed ultraviolence as Woo exhibited in his earlier movies will probably be disappointed. (YouTube clips from the old movies are available; there's no comparison.)