On the LFOD Watch

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The Google News Alert brought me a Concord Monitor story about the Democrat-side race for the New Hampshire gubernatorial nomination, and the headline was kind of a giggle, maybe you'll like it too: As Warmington and Craig attack, Kiper hopes his ambiguity is an advantage.

I'm pretty sure the headline writer meant "anonymity". Kiper is not getting a lot of attention; candidates Cinde Warmington and Joyce Craig are the big guns, and aiming their barbs mostly at each other.

Wonkery: Kiper's big idea is to impose additional taxes on "second homes, many of which he presumes are owned by out-of-state residents." I've seen estimates that this will raise around $30 million/year.

Which is about 1% of the current state budget.

(This was ostensibly an article about the "Live Free or Die Debate" last night at New England College, which is why I saw it.)